Cannabis not your Spiritual Ally?

You say cannabis is not your spiritual ally? You could be right of course and thus end of discussion. The sacred herb doesn’t sit well with some folks, and I’m not referring to psychedelaphobes, I’m referring to people well experienced with etheogenic plants and substances. I know people who are fully capable of navigating deep waters with […]

Shamanism, Sacred Plants, Buddhism, Enlightened Societies

Returning to Sacred World: A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality was published in 2010 by the British mind/body/spirit publisher O Books/John Hunt Publishing. Writings associated with themes from the book can be found at My original choice for the main title was “Uniting the Four Directions.” This image comes from a pre-Columbian Incan […]

Cannabis and Spirituality? Really?

Cannabis and Spirituality? Really? Cannabis and Spirituality? Yes . . . really. Cannabis has been called the people’s plant. Many hundreds of millions of earth’s current inhabitants have at least a passing acquaintance with the sacred herb, (including some who claim not to have inhaled 🙂 Some use it for relaxation and for escaping the grind and […]