
Experiencing the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Presence Within

Experiencing the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Presence Within is a guest post written by Alexander T. S. Kuhn “Angels Dressed in White” We stepped foot in Loreto a few weeks back during our trip to Italy.  I was there with family, my extended Scottish Sinclair clan on an excursion to see sites with our Italian counterparts. Throughout […]

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    Moderator’s Note: “From Moment to Moment: Cannabis Awakenings” is a guest post from Michael Peterson. Sky An open day, perfect for this. Sunshine, nothing on my agenda, nothing on my mind that I need to attend to, all afternoon and evening for myself. I get out of the car and start slowly walking […]

Many Benefits of Cannabis

  “Many Benefits of Cannabis” is my title for a section of a submission that a friend of mine made to the cannabis legalization commission in British Columbia, Canada. Cannabis is due to be made legal in Canada by July 2018. Each province and territory is charged with coming up with its own laws and […]

Cannabis is a Gateway Drug

Editor’s Note: “Cannabis is a Gateway Drug” is a guest post on by James W. Jesso. James is one of the articulate and passionate younger spokespeople working to help with the urgently needed consciousness transformation on our beleaguered planet through the wise use of entheogens/pychedelics. James does very interesting interviews with leading figures in […]

They Call Her Santa Maria

They Call Her Santa Maria. Who is “They?” In the context of the story that follows, “they” is a group of people I know who treat cannabis as a sacred plant. They hold great respect for her, and, for the most part as I’ve observed them, meet her in carefully considered “settings”—as in “set and setting.” […]